One of the benefits of working in healthcare is that you can travel pretty much wherever you want to practice medicine. With that being said, it can sometimes be difficult to choose where to relocate to while doing so. If you’re pursuing a career in medicine and you’re looking to become a Certified Nurse Midwife, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve put together a list of 5 states that pay Certified Nurse Midwives the most. In this article, we’ve included the average Certified Nurse Midwife salary in each state and the concentration, or location quotient, of Certified Nurse Midwives in each state.

Note: The location quotient of each specialty is calculated by dividing the local concentration of the industry by the national concentration of the industry. If the location quotient is greater than 1, the industry makes up a larger share of that state’s employment than it does for the entire United States.

Average Salary: $159,590
Location Quotient: 1.21

Average Salary: $133,680
Location Quotient: 1.15

Average Salary: $127,960
Location Quotient:

New York
Average Salary: $125,780
Location Quotient: 1.03

Average Salary: $123,600
Location Quotient: 1.65

There you have it – some of the most basic, but also important, information about becoming a Certified Nurse Midwife. It’s always nice to know what kind of salary you can expect! As always, you can contact us at with any questions or comments. We can’t wait to hear from you!

Crystal Carter

Crystal Carter, Content Marketing Specialist

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