Physician Assistants are a unique breed of Medical Practitioner. Unlike many Providers, PA's can choose and change their specialty of practice at will, without specialized training. This allows them to freely move between medical specialties throughout their careers with ease. While there are many areas to choose from, the results of the NCCPA's 2022 Statistical Profile of Certified Physician Assistants, provides insight into which medical specialties are attracting the most PA's to practice.

Popular Physician Assistant Practice Specialties

Family Medicine The majority of today's Physician Assistants choose to work with families, providing the cornerstone of healthcare in America today. Despite 17% of the PA workforce calling this their specialty-of-choice, there continue to be nationwide shortages in Family Care Providers.  Family medicine remains the most prevalent specialty among Physician Assistants, with a significant portion of PAs opting to focus their careers on providing comprehensive care to individuals and families. This specialty is crucial, serving as the first point of contact for health concerns and preventive care. Family medicine's broad scope includes treating acute and chronic illnesses, promoting health education, and preventing disease, making it a cornerstone of community health. Despite its popularity, there remains a persistent shortage of family care providers in the U.S., signaling a high demand for PAs in this field. For PAs interested in a diverse and impactful career, family medicine offers opportunities to work with patients of all ages and backgrounds, ensuring a varied and fulfilling professional life.

Surgical Subspecialties Working in a surgical specialty is a very popular and lucrative option for the 19% of PA's that have chosen to work in this field. Surgical subspecialties are highly favored among Physician Assistants, with a significant number actively engaged in these high-stakes areas of medicine. PAs in surgical roles are integral to the pre-operative, intra-operative, and post-operative phases of care, providing critical support to surgical teams and patients alike. Within surgical medicine, the top 3 subspecialties of reported PA practice are:

  • Orthopedic Surgery
  • Cardiothoracic-Vascular Surgery
  • Neurosurgery

Internal Medicine Approximately 15% of Physician Assistants have made Internal Medicine their specialty-of-choice. While some PA's choose to work in a more generalized role in Internal Medicine, others choose to specialize in popular IM Subspecialties such as Cardiology, Gastroenterology, and Oncology.

Emergency Medicine The fast-paced and challenging specialty of Emergency Medicine has attracted many PA's thanks to its great pay and flexible scheduling options. Approximately 11% of Physician Assistants currently work in ER's across America.

Dermatology Caring for the Integumentary System has its benefits. This specialty has a stellar reputation for providing its Practitioners with a great work-life balance and top-level pay. That may be why it's a top PA practice specialty though only 4% of PA's claim this specialty area.

Hospital Medicine The practice of Hospital Medicine is a new kid on the block by medical standards having originated around 20 years ago. This specialty has rapidly risen in popularity due to its functionality and ability to help Primary Care Physicians with hospital coverage. As the specialty has gained traction, more PA's have gained its ranks making it a top medical specialty for the 4% of PA's who practice hospital medicine.

Over recent years, there has been a noticeable shift among Physician Assistants from general practice to specialized fields. This evolution mirrors broader trends in healthcare, where specialized knowledge and skills are increasingly valued. Specialization allows PAs to focus deeply on specific areas of medicine, enhancing their expertise and potentially improving patient outcomes.