Whether you are a recent graduate looking for your first job or a seasoned Physician Assistant, salary can play a big role in where you end up practicing. So before you start your job search, take a look at the top 5 paying states for Physician Assistant's. You may be surprised to know that some of these states employ the lowest number of certified Physician Assistants in practice(2).

Top 5 Paying States for Physician Assistants

Top 5 Paying States for Physician Assistants *:


(1) Nevada ($124,180/yr)

Nevada is the top paying state for Physician Assistants in the U.S., with Las Vegas boasting an average salary of $137,950 a year. PA's in this state are small in number, comprising only 0.6% of all practicing PA's(2) . Most are employed in rural settings as part of Physician solo or group practices. Primary Care is a popular choice of specialty work in this state with 42% of PA's working in a related PC specialty (1). The higher salaries in this state come at a price. These PA's have some of the highest caseloads in the U.S. seeing an average of 95 patients a week(2). For more information on licensing and regulations go to the Nevada State Board of Osteopathic Medicine.

(2) Rhode Island ($114,650/yr)

While Rhode Island employs only 0.3% of practicing PA's, it ranks 2nd in the country for the highest annual salary(2). Physician Assistant's in Rhode Island are most commonly employed in solo or group Physician practice settings. Primary Care and Surgical subspecialty work are equally popular employment avenues comprising a combined 60% of Rhode Island PA practice(1). For more information on licensing and regulations go to the State of Rhode Island Dept. of Health

(3) New Hampshire ($113,070/yr)

New Hampshire is unique in regards to Physician Assistant practice choices, with a whopping 93% of PA's here choosing to work in Physician solo or group practices(1). The majority of these practices are located in rural settings (1). Despite the emphasis on rural care, Surgical specialty work is common with only 17% of PA's practicing Primary Care here (1). For more information on licensing and regulations go to the New Hampshire Board of Medicine.

(4) North Dakota ($111,940/yr)

North Dakota is known for its wide open spaces, so it is not surprising that most Physician Assistant's that practice here work in rural settings. As with many others states, North Dakota PA's are primarily employed in group or solo Physician practices. According to the 2015 NCCPA-PA Statistical profile, this state employs the fewest number of Physician Assistants on this Top 5 list totaling only 304 certified PA's. For more information on licensing and regulations go to the North Dakota State Medical Board.

(5) Connecticut ($111,200/yr)

Connecticut employs the highest number of certified Physician Assistants on this list, totaling just over 1,900 PA's(3). If you are interested in pursuing surgical specialty work, Connecticut is a great place to seek employment. Surgical specialties account for the majority of PA practice in this state with most Physician Assistants being employed by hospitals. For more information on licensing and regulations go to the Connecticut Dept. of Public Health.