Are you considering a position in a different state but aren’t sure how the salary compares to the salary in your current position? In an effort to help you make a decision about where to relocate to so you can further your career, we’ve compiled a list of the best states for a Physician Assistant to live. The list will include average salary in that state, the difference  between the average state and national salaries, and the concentration, or location quotient, of the profession in each state. In this article, you can also find a breakdown of degrees held by Physician Assistants in the United States.

Note: The location quotient of each specialty is calculated by dividing the local concentration of the industry by the national concentration of the industry. If the location quotient is greater than 1, the industry makes up a larger share of that state’s employment than it does for the entire United States.

National Average: $126,450

New York
Average Salary: $141,574
Location Quotient: 1.62
Salary Difference: +11.68%

Average Salary: $136,804
Location Quotient:  1.34
Salary Difference: +8.57%

Average Salary: $133,755
Location Quotient: 1.21
Salary Difference: +6.46%

Average Salary: $125,577
Location Quotient: 1.48
Salary Difference: -0.7%

New Hampshire
Average Salary: $122,954
Location Quotient: 1.63
Salary Difference: -2.84%

Average Salary: $126,378
Location Quotient: 1.41
Salary Difference: -0.06%

Average Salary: $138,131
Location Quotient: 0.85
Salary Difference: +8.46%

Average Salary: $127,800
Location Quotient: 1.26
Salary Difference: +1.06%

Average Salary: $129,369
Location Quotient: 1.52
Salary Difference: +2.26%

New Jersey
Average Salary: $130,777
Location Quotient: 1.02
Salary Difference: +3.31%

Below, you will find the breakdown of degrees held by Physician Assistants in the United States.

Degree Percentage
Bachelors 46%
Masters 28%
Associate 9%
Doctorate 5%
Other Degrees 12%


Feel free to reach out to us at with anything you’d like to share with us! This could be something like telling us about your specialty and how great it is to live where you live, or talking about your experience moving from one hospital to another. Either way, we love hearing from you.



Crystal Carter

Crystal Carter, Content Marketing Specialist

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