Deciding where to settle down when starting a new job can be tough, but we hope that it becomes easier for you after you read this article. We’ve scoured the internet to gather a list of the top places for a Clinical Nurse Specialist to practice. In the list, you can find the national average salary, the difference between the national average and the state average salaries, and the concentration, or location quotient, of the profession in each state. You can also find a breakdown of degrees held by Clinical Nurse Specialists across the United States.

Note: The concentration of each specialty is calculated by dividing the local concentration of the industry by the national concentration of the industry. If the location quotient is greater than 1, the industry makes up a larger share of that state’s employment than it does for the entire United States.

National Average: $69,863

Average Salary: $105,544
Location Quotient: 1.32
Salary Difference: +34.81%

Average Salary: $91,245
Location Quotient: 1.11
Salary Difference: +24.43%

North Dakota
Average Salary: $89,646
Location Quotient: 1.11
Salary Difference: +22.07%

District of Columbia
Average Salary: $96,546
Location Quotient: 1.56
Salary Difference: +27.64%

Average Salary: $98,246
Location Quotient: 0.85
Salary Difference: +28.89%

New Jersey
Average Salary: $91,253
Location Quotient: 1.13
Salary Difference: +23.44%

New Hampshire
Average Salary: $84,005
Location Quotient: 1.17
Salary Difference: +16.83%

Average Salary: $89,660
Location Quotient: 0.93
Salary Difference: +22.08%

Average Salary: $80,219
Location Quotient: 1.73
Salary Difference: +12.91%

Average Salary: $91,899
Location Quotient: 0.85
Salary Difference: +23.98%

Below you will find a breakdown of degrees held by Clinical Nurse Specialists across the United States.

Degree Percentage
Bachelors 45%
Masters 31%
Associate 17%
Diploma 4%
Other Degrees 3%

If you find that there’s anything you’d like to add to this article or anything you want to say in general, send us an email at!

Crystal Carter

Crystal Carter, Content Marketing Specialist

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