With 470k+ interviewed physicians, our Pinpoint database gives you access to the newest class of residents and fellows, as well as profiles from tenured physicians, which we update regularly. Our team of expert interviewers collects the information via in-depth phone conversations with willing residents and fellows across the United States.
Our search criteria allow you to focus on a precise physician candidate audience to fit the unique parameters of your search. These physician profiles are highly accurate, and 90% include a valid email address in addition to other contact points.
Pinpoint allows you to send robust email campaigns using our variety of templates, send text message campaigns for immediate responses from candidates, and plan unique direct mail and digital advertising campaigns for a fully cohesive branded experience.
PracticeMatch is your best source for detailed information.
Using our detailed and thorough interview process, we maintain the most detailed and highest quality physician profiles in the industry.
Note: PracticeMatch information on physicians actively seeking new opportunities is not sold to or shared with any third-party search firms or list houses.
PracticeMatch is proud to have the most complete, informative, and accurate physician profiles in the industry. Our detailed interviewing process (seen to left) allows us to gather this information for the Pinpoint database.
PracticeMatch is your best source for detailed information. Information that we gather during interviews:
At PracticeMatch, we have a high standard for quality and complete physician profiles. Our on-site Physician Interviewers go to great lengths to create full and complete profiles, and each interview is recorded for quality control.
If any information in a profile is missing, conflicting, or confusing, we reach out to the physician again to confirm their information. Once a physician's profile has been entered into the database, the physician is given access to that information to ensure that it is correct. Each physician's information is then updated routinely to ensure accurate contact information and job search status.
PracticeMatch takes extensive steps to ensure that our information is complete and of the highest quality. View our steps to the right of the page.
Our Pinpoint database is one of the most powerful tools in the industry, as a result of the depth of information that it holds.
PracticeMatch also provides coverage into many of the subspecialties under the high-level specialties seen below.
Our highly skilled staff of Physician Interviewers speaks with physicians in many major specialties. Data on a mixture of specialties is collected and made available through an easy-to-use search tool, making complete profiles readily available. PracticeMatch also provides coverage into many of the subspecialties under the high-level specialties seen below.
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