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Locum Tenens Hiring to Fill Holiday Vacancy

Locum Tenens Hiring to Fill Holiday Vacancy

While the holidays are filled with joy and celebrating, it can also cause temporary financial hardships with holiday purchases and overindulgence. According to a MagnifyMoney survey, more than 50% of us fund our holiday purchases on credit cards and take an average of 5 months to pay it off.‌ This burden creates stress that even Physicians aren't immune to during the Season of Giving.

Fortunately, as a healthcare recruiter you have the perfect answer to a Physicians financial conundrum... Locum Tenens employment. This is the time of year when many medical professionals take time off to vacation with their families creating an increased need for shift coverage. This need drives an increase in Locum vacancies that need to be filled.

Hiring a Locum Tenens Physician

This holiday season make locum tenens hiring easier by explaining the rewarding benefits of locum work including:

  • Making extra income while keeping your current job.
  • Paying down medical school and holiday debt.
  • Working when you want.
    • Emphasize that they can choose work that fits into their schedule.
  • Increased flexibility regarding practice setting and autonomy.
    • Remind them they have choices, whether it be a rural clinic, an urban ER, working solo or with colleagues, the choice is up to them.
  • Less administrative work.
    • Explain that most issues are handled by the employer leaving them to practice medicine.
  • Choosing from a variety of scheduling options i.e. part time, full time, one shift coverage, weekly, monthly.
  • Clearly defined expectations regarding roles and compensation for a job.
    • Emphasizing they will know what the employer's expectations are before starting a new job.
  • Increased practice variety.
    • Remind them that they can spice up stale clinical routines with new colleagues, patients and practice settings.
  • No more worrying about practice overhead, payroll and staffing issues.
    • Emphasize that those issues are handled by the employer

Physicians seeking alternate income opportunities are more likely now then other times of the year to seek out locum tenens work. As a recruiter, you can capitalize on this and get them interested in your LT opportunities. Once they see how enjoyable LT work can be, you are sure to have a repeat client.

References: Accessed on 10/31/17.

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