The role of the transitional year residency program associate program director is to assist the program director and to assure an optimal learning environment for the members of the residency, and compliance with all ACGME accredited, and non-ACGME accredited requirements otherwise designated by the institution.
In addition to the ACGME, other regulatory bodies impose requirements on our GME programs. Compliance with these requirements is the responsibility of the program directors, working in concert with the institution. Physicians-in-training include residents who, for the purposes of this policy, will be referred to as 'residents' (see GME General Policies).
Job Essentials
Assist the Transitional Year Program Director in tasks and maintaining a working understanding and fluency regarding:knowledge of and compliance with GME Policies Current knowledge of and compliance with ACGME Institutional and Program Requirements
Participate in GME Committee, subcommittees and task forces (including program representation at all TYEC meetings), and Internal Review panels as requested and indicated
Serve as chair of committees as agreed upon including the clinical competency committee, or other subcommittees as helpful to the program
Cooperate promptly with requests by the GME Office and/or GME Committee for information, documentation, etc.
Maintain accurate and complete program files in compliance with institutional records retention policies
Ensure that residents comply with periodic survey by ACGME (ACGME Resident Survey) ACGME accreditation (Residency Review Committee) matters
Maintain current knowledge of and compliance with the ACGME Manual of Policies and Procedures for GME Review Committees (
Maintain current knowledge of and compliance with the ACGME Program Requirements pertaining to his/her program, as well as any other program policies and procedures, subspecialty program requirements, etc.
Assist in ensuring resident wellness
Assist in the oversight and organization of activities for the educational program with any and all affiliates that participate in the program.
Assist in the prompt response to RRC requests for information, working with the GME Office to ensure compliance with RRC-stated deadlines, as well as timely review and co-signature by the DIO
Assist in the maintenance of accurate and complete program files in compliance with ACGME requirements
Assist in the preparation and presentation of the Program Information Form (PIF) prior to RRC site visits.
Assist in the preparation of any documentation of Internal Review materials and reports as required by the GME Committee protocol
Assist in the development of any action plans for correction of areas of noncompliance as identified by the Internal Review, RRC site visit, and/or other mechanisms
Assist in the assimilation and presentation annually of both program and resident records through the ACGME Next Accreditation System.
Assist in the development and iterative refinement of an educational curriculum as defined in the ACGME Program Requirements including periodic review/revision of the educational curriculum
Assist in the provision of instruction and experience with quality-assurance/performance improvement, including the tracking of outcome results for patients cared for by the program's residents
Assist in the development of measures to assess residents' competence in the patient care, medical knowledge, practice-based learning and improvement, interpersonal and communication skills, professionalism, and systems-based practice
Assist in the development and implementation of a process that links educational outcomes with program improvement
Assist in assuring that the teaching environment promotes resident learning that can foster continued professional growth
Assist in facilitating residents' participation in the educational and scholarly activities of the program
Assist residents in obtaining appointment to appropriate institutional and departmental committees and councils whose actions affect their education and/or patient care
Assist in the procurement of confidential written evaluations of the faculty and of the educational experiences by the residents, at least annually (or more frequently if so required by the RRC program requirements)
Assist in ensuring residents' attendance at educational offerings required by the institution and the ACGME
Ensure that the program's and all ACGME policies regarding evaluation and performance feedback are followed for all residents within the program, and particularly for non-succeeding residents.
Assist in periodic (e.g. quarterly) resident reviews and f the provision of constructive feedback in conjunction with any guidance or remediation as necessary
Assist in the preparation and reporting of required program specific policies that may include, but may not be limited to:
Resident selection
Resident evaluation
Resident promotion
Resident dismissal
Resident duty hours
Moonlighting policy and written documentation for any resident participating in moonlighting
Assist in the monitoring of residents' duty hours and reporting of findings
Assist in all aspects associated with the identification, screening, selection, and employment of qualified residents, and in ensuring that non-eligible residents are not enrolled in the program
Provide appropriate supervision of residents (via the program faculty) so as to allow progressively increasing responsibility by the resident, according to their level of education, ability, and experience
Assist in the management of clinical scheduling of residents including, but not limited to:
Creating clinical rotation and on-call schedules
Structuring duty hours and on-call time periods so as to focus on the needs of the patient, continuity of care, and the educational needs of the resident, and to comply with requirements as set by the institution, ACGME, and the appropriate RRC
Assist in the creation of a final evaluation for each resident who completes the program. This evaluation must include a review of the resident's performance during the final period of education, and should verify that the resident has demonstrated sufficient professional ability to graduate.
Minimum Qualifications
M.D. or D.O. Education must be obtained through an ACGME or AOA accredited institution. Degree will be verified.
ABMS or equivalent AOA Board Certification.
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Active Utah Medical Licensure or in the process of obtaining licensure.
Three years of experience leading successful improvement in clinical settings.
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Have a record of experience and commitment to continuing professional education.
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Understand change management with the ability to provide leadership in the adaptation and implementation of new processes and technology that enhance safety.
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Effective verbal, written, and interpersonal communication skills.
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Experience in a role requiring effective conflict resolution skills to work effectively with difficult issues.
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Embodies Intermountain's Mission, Vision, and Values.
Preferred Qualifications
Membership on the medical staff at Intermountain Medical Center.
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Have a demonstrated track record of educational commitment to residents and medical students.