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Interview Preparation: Defining Your Ideal Practice

Quick Tip
  • Take the time to define what you desire in your perfect practice opportunity, compare offers, and understand your personal trade-off scale

Defining your ideal practice is just as important as deciding which residency programs to apply to. You will be spending a significant amount of time in that practice, so you should enjoy it.

Roughly 50% of physicians leave their first practice within 5 years after signing their contract. This is costly from both a professional and personal standpoint. While physicians leave a practice for a variety of reasons, the reason most easily addressed is that of unfulfilled expectations. When physicians take the time to define what they desire in their perfect practice opportunity, compare offers, and understand their personal trade-off scale, they are less likely to make such a costly mistake.


Your objectives explain the broad direction you want for your life. A good objective should guide you in the right direction. Consider setting objectives for your personal and professional development, your family, and your standard of living. When considering a practice opportunity, you should ask yourself, "Does this help meet my personal and professional objectives?"


Your values guide how you move toward your objectives. Values include things like honesty, fairness, integrity, spirituality, loyalty and compassion. Consider your values and how they apply to your life. When considering a practice opportunity, ask yourself, "Does this opportunity align with my values?"


Goals are specific steps you make in order to reach your objectives. Goals are marks for achievement and should be consistent with the objectives and values you have set for yourself. Consider defining separate professional and personal goals that act as stepping stones toward your objectives. When considering a practice opportunity, ask yourself, "Does this move me closer to achieving my goals?"

  • Join the Physician Ambassador Program to earn additional income during training;
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