8 Factors to Consider When Deciding Between Job Offers

Physicians are in-demand professionals that frequently encounter multiple job offers when seeking new employment opportunities. If you are a job-hunting Physician that's fortunate enough to have more than one job offer on the table, there are important factors to consider before making your final decision.

  1. Practice Location

    Are you looking for a short commute, scenic beauty, or a bustling city with lots of recreational activities? When evaluating each job offer remember to consider what you and your family are looking for in the way of commute, schools, shopping, recreation, and access to amenities.

  2. Autonomy Level

    Autonomy levels can vary considerably based on the organization or group you work with, so be sure to ask yourself which job best matches your practice style. Take into consideration whether you or your employer will be making the essential decisions regarding any staffing, administration or clinical decisions.

  3. Future Colleagues

    Conflicting or overbearing personalities can make your working environment miserable, so be sure to follow your instincts when it comes to avoiding potential work conflicts. Try recalling any negative interactions you may have had during your interview process and consider whether or not this could be a potential long-term deal-breaker.

  4. Termination Requirement

    Although you may not want to think of the end of your working relationship before it even begins, it is important to understand the terms associated with any possible job termination. Whether the termination is initiated by you or the employer, consider the prescribed time limits for resignation, "morals" clauses or if there is a with or without cause termination involved.
  5. Scheduling

    Having a flexible schedule can be a real plus when it comes to your practice and your lifestyle outside the clinic, so consider what your options will be and the level of control you will have over them.

  6. Alternative Employment Option

    If the ability to moonlight or taking on writing, research, teaching, or speaking opportunities is important to you, carefully evaluate what each job offers. Many employers have restrictions or stipulations regarding their Physicians engaging in these activities so read the fine print to ensure that you are getting what you want.

  7. Partnership Potential

    If you are considering an opportunity with partnership potential, be sure to compare what they are offering in regard to their time constraints, terms involved with the buy-in, and partnership specific limitations that may restrict your potential in the long run.

  8. Overall Potential

    When making a decision about a job, it is vital to think about the future. Ask yourself which position has more future growth potential when it comes to factors like income, leadership opportunities, job security, and happiness.