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6 Tips for Recruiting Millennial Resident Physicians

6 Tips for Recruiting Millennial Resident Physicians

Millennials (aka Generation Y), are a much talked about generation that is coming of age and playing a big role in today's workforce. These men and women were born after 1980 and are currently the target recruitment demographic for Medical Residency positions around the U.S.‌ This generation is unique from its predecessors having different perspectives and expectations about the workplace. As a recruiter it is important to understand what they are looking for in a prospective job. If you are currently in the market to hire Resident Physicians or Fellows, you may want to consider using some of these tips to set your organization apart from the rest.

1. Focus on Social Media

No surprise here. This generation was raised on computers and live on social media so why not use it to your advantage when recruiting. Make sure your organization has a sleek, savvy looking online presence that is interactive and reflects who you are. Be sure to have a presence on multiple platforms. Think beyond Facebook and LinkedIn to platforms like Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat.

2. Play Up the Benefits

Millennials are used to a certain level of freedom and comforts. Many organizations are providing free swag, fun activities and extras. Because you are competing for their attention, it is important to accentuate your offered benefits to remain competitive. Do you have a great on-site gym or childcare, cellphone allotments or taco Tuesdays? If so, get the word out when advertising. Onsite childcare is especially attractive to younger Physicians who frequently have a hard time finding childcare when relocating.

3. Show Your Caring Side

Many describe this generation as the "Me" generation, but in truth this is not the case. This generation is known for being interested and engaged in culture and community activism. Publicize any of your organization's efforts related to giving back to the community or groups you may have that focus on assisting the underserved.

4. Get Creative When Marketing

The technology landscape is constantly changing and full of distractions. Because technology moves so quickly, you may want to consider assigning a staff member or possibly a college intern to the task of being a full time social media guru. This move will ensure your organization's social media feeds are updated and your tech stays relevant. You may also want to try advertising on popular apps to reach your target audience. There are many Medical Board preparation, healthcare news and clinical reference apps on the market that are popular with smartphone users. Remember to also sell your organizational culture through your marketing. Try telling the story of your organization through "a day in the life of " segment. Hearing a peer Physician speaking to their experiences within your organization can go a long way to persuade a prospective applicant to take a second look.

5. Consider Flexible Scheduling

Most everyone knows Medicine is one of the least "flexible" industries going. Millennial Physicians have voiced an increasing expectation for having a good work-life balance with flexible scheduling options. Flexible scheduling can be a real attractant for this generation and if possible, can make your organization stand out from the rest. Think about offering staggered start times or job sharing as possible options.

6. Publicize Your Career Development Efforts

Millennials are no different than other generations when it comes to their interest in career development programs. How is your organization different from the others in regards to helping them meet their career goals? Do you have a great mentorship program or clear pathways for advancement? If so, tell them about it.

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