Who We Are It all started in 1978 with 1 physician, in 1 practice, in Dayton, Ohio.
Today, spanning 7 states, with over 80 clinics and more than 1,300 employees, DOCS Dermatologists of Central states is one of the largest, most established dermatology practices in the nation. For over 40 years, DOCS’s has established a reputation for providing excellent clinical care and an elevated patient experience within the communities they serve.
It is our vision to be the practice of choice for Patients, Physicians, Providers and Employees.
What We Do With the patient at the center of all we do, DOCS highly experienced, board-certified dermatologists, surgeons, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants provide comprehensive patient care covering general dermatology, surgical, pathology, and cosmetic services.
DOCS’s mission is to provide easy access to the highest-quality care in our communities for our patients by delivering the best patient experience in a warm, friendly, and inclusive environment.