Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center

Our Recruiters

Caitlin Vecchio Taylor

Caitlin Vecchio Taylor Physician Recruiter

Heidi Krape

Heidi Krape Recruiter

Jacqueline LaBelle

Jacqueline LaBelle Physician Recruiter

Jessica Kaczorowski

Jessica Kaczorowski Recruiter

Kaitlin Romeo

Kaitlin Romeo Physician Recruiter

Michael Gartman

Michael Gartman Recruiter

Caitlin Vecchio Taylor

Caitlin Vecchio TaylorPhysician Recruiter

Heidi Krape

Heidi KrapeRecruiter

Jacqueline LaBelle

Jacqueline LaBellePhysician Recruiter

Jessica Kaczorowski

Jessica KaczorowskiRecruiter

Kaitlin Romeo

Kaitlin RomeoPhysician Recruiter

Michael Gartman

Michael GartmanRecruiter

Paige Livingston

Paige LivingstonRecruiter

Randy Young

Randy YoungPhysician Recruiter

Richard Anair 2

Richard Anair 2 Physician Recruiter/Physician Liaison

Title / Specialty Facility Location Posted
Plastic Surgeon - Hand and Peripheral NerveSurgery Apply Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center New Hampshire 2025-03-08
Adult Congenital Heart Disease (ACHD) CardiologistCardiology Apply Dartmouth Health Manchester New Hampshire 2025-03-08
Dermatology Research FellowDermatology Apply Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center New Hampshire 2025-03-06
OB/GYN GeneralistObstetrics & Gynecology Apply Dartmouth Health Manchester New Hampshire 2025-03-04
General Medical Physician - New Hampshire HospitalFamily Medicine Apply New Hampshire Hospital New Hampshire 2025-03-02
Maternal Fetal Medicine PhysicianObstetrics & Gynecology Apply Dartmouth Health Manchester New Hampshire 2025-03-02
Obgyn PhysicianObstetrics & Gynecology Apply Cheshire Medical Center New Hampshire 2025-03-02
Pediatric NeuropsychologistPsychiatry - Child & Adolescent Apply Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center New Hampshire 2025-03-02
Section Chief, Cardiothoracic RadiologyRadiology Apply Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center New Hampshire 2025-02-28
Physician - Primary Care ConcordFamily Medicine Apply Dartmouth Health Concord New Hampshire 2025-02-28
Vice Chair for Informatics and AI, Department of RadiologyRadiology Apply Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center New Hampshire 2025-02-28
General CardiologistCardiology Apply Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center New Hampshire 2025-02-23
Physician - Weight & Wellness CenterInternal Medicine Apply Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center New Hampshire 2025-02-23
General DermatologistDermatology Apply Littleton Regional Healthcare New Hampshire 2025-02-23
Physician - Associate Medical Director Cheshire Hospital MedicineHospitalist Apply Dartmouth Health Keene New Hampshire 2025-02-23
Urology PhysicianUrology Apply Southwestern Vermont Medical Center New Hampshire 2025-02-23
Physician, Endocrinology - Southwestern Vermont Medical CenterEndocrinology Apply Dartmouth Hitchcock Putnam New Hampshire 2025-02-23
Family Medicine Physician, NashuaFamily Medicine Apply Dartmouth Health Nashua Clinic New Hampshire 2025-02-23
Section Chief PhysiatryPhysical Medicine & Rehabilitation Apply Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center New Hampshire 2025-02-23
Emergency Medicine Provider, KeeneEmergency Medicine Apply Dartmouth Health Keene New Hampshire 2025-02-23
Physician, General PediatricsPediatrics Apply Dartmouth Health Nashua New Hampshire 2025-02-23
Gastroenterologist (Motility/Functional GI Disorders) PhysicianGastroenterology Apply Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center New Hampshire 2025-02-23
Internal Medicine Physician- Alice Peck DayInternal Medicine Apply Alice Peck Day New Hampshire 2025-02-23
Medical Director - PhysiatryPhysical Medicine & Rehabilitation Apply Dartmouth Health Keene New Hampshire 2025-02-23
Herman O. West Professorship in Geriatric MedicineGeriatric Medicine Apply Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center New Hampshire 2025-02-23