Ascension Health

Who We Are...

Ascension is one of the nation’s leading non-profit and Catholic health systems, with a Mission of delivering compassionate, personalized care to all with special attention to persons living in poverty and those most vulnerable. In FY2024, Ascension provided $2.1 billion in care of persons living in poverty and other community benefit programs. Across 17 states and the District of Columbia, Ascension’s network encompasses approximately 128,000 associates, 33,000 affiliated providers, 118 wholly owned or consolidated hospitals, and 34 senior living facilities. Additionally, through strategic partnerships, Ascension holds an ownership interest in 16 other hospitals.

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Adam Austin

Adam Austin

Amanda Pittman

Amanda PittmanPhysician Recruiter

Amie Ziehm

Amie ZiehmPhysician Recruiter

Anna Stewart

Anna StewartPhysician Recruiter

Beth Speer

Beth SpeerManager, Provider Recruitment

Christina Eggert

Christina EggertPhysician Recruiter

Danielle Lenglade

Danielle LengladePhysician Recruiter

David Clingan

David ClinganPhysician Recruiter

Debra Nichols

Debra NicholsAsst-Phys Recruitment

Heather Torres

Heather TorresPhysician Recruiter

Julianne Farrell

Julianne FarrellDirector, Physician Recruitment

(224) 273-3352
Julie Floyd

Julie FloydPhysician Recruiter

Lauren Payne

Lauren PaynePhysician Recruiter

Lesley O'Connell

Lesley O'ConnellRegional Manager, Provider Recruitment

Lydia Terry

Lydia TerryPhysician Recruiter

Macy Pagan

Macy PaganPhysician Recruiter

Marisa Wingert

Marisa WingertPhysician Recruiter

Marzette Porterfield

Marzette PorterfieldPhysician Recruiter

Melanie Bell

Melanie BellPhysician Recruiter

Michael Bennett

Michael BennettPhysician Recruiter

Morgan White

Morgan WhitePhysician Recruiter

Patrice Hutchinson

Patrice HutchinsonPhysician Recruiter

Sarah Medas

Sarah MedasPhysician Recruiter

Scotty Watson

Scotty WatsonPhysician Recruiter

Timothy Gilpin

Timothy GilpinPhysician Recruiter
