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Pharmacist JOB SEARCH RESULTS Found 3 jobs located in 2 States/Territories

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Pharmacist Employment Opportunities

Looking to start or advance your career as a Pharmacist? You made the right call by choosing HealthcareMatch. We are here and dedicated to helping you in your job search! In addition to this job board, we offer a healthcare compensation survey highlighting job descriptions, average salaries and education requirements. We also have a library of articles covering topics such as best locations to practice your specialty (including average salary and location quotient).

When you are in your important new role as a Pharmacist, you can expect to work alongside doctors and other health care professionals. You will perform job duties such as dispensing prescription medications to patients, offering expertise in the safe use of prescriptions, conducting health and wellness screenings, providing immunizations and more.

In order to become a Pharmacist, you will need to obtain a Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) degree. While admissions requirements vary from program to program, all Doctor of Pharmacy programs require applicants to take postsecondary science courses such as chemistry, biology, and anatomy. Some programs require a Bachelors degree to enter, while some programs only require 2 years of undergraduate study. The degree breakdown of Pharmacists across the United States can be found below.

  • 54.5% hold Bachelors degrees
  • 27.5% hold Doctorate degrees
  • 5.5% hold Masters degrees

The remaining 12.4% of Pharmacists hold either Associate degrees, Certificates, High School Diplomas, Licenses, or Diplomas.

Skills and qualities that a Pharmacist should have include, but are not limited to, analytical skills, communication skills, attention to detail and managerial skills.

The average salary for Pharmacists in the United States is currently over $125,000 per year, or $60 per hour. Depending on your location and amount of experience, you could make up to $156,000 per year. Currently, the states with the highest average salaries are California at $177,723 per year, Oregon at $166,744 per year, and Alaska at $161,692 per year.

You will be working in one or more of the following practice settings once you get settled in your new career:

  • hospitals
  • outpatient clinics
  • emergency departments
  • physicians' offices

When you are in your new career as a Pharmacist, there are some benefits you will be able to enjoy. These benefits include community involvement, flexibility, career stability, improving patient outcomes, and more.

Use the HealthcareMatch Job Board to help you find unique job opportunities! Let us help further you in your career, and join the 310,000+ other Pharmacists in the United States. We are here to help you succeed!